I help overworked worship leaders recover wonder & purpose without the expectation to inspire a crowd.
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Liberated Leadership
Learn how to lead free of the expectation to attract a crowd with your worship.
I Want You To Love Leading Worship And I Care About Guiding You
I have over 15 years of experience…
Leading Worshippers
Training Leaders
Building Culture
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What Others Have Said
What I loved most about having Jameson as my coach is he never made God feel small to me. He was open to seeing God in places most of his contemporaries thought it impossible. I would work for him and with him any day and I recommend that you do, too.
Ethan Darla
One thing that struck me most about Jameson as a mentor is his deep belief in the church's need for worship leaders who lead fully as themselves - that each leader has something uniquely valuable to bring as they draw others to the heart of God in worship settings.
Bethany Kamaleson
Jameson’s pastoral sensitivity and musical craft create compelling spaces for people to engage with God. He helped me learn to shepherd volunteers, as well as my congregation, in sustainable ways that create both intimacy and excellence.
Reid Gordon
Informed by theology, Jameson gives both structure and license. He senses what sparks each player and how to guide sets into moments of joy, continuity, and deep spiritual connection with God and with each other.
Grace Wong
Jameson is highly intentional, intuitive, compassionate, thoughtful, and musically playful. His leadership and technical knowledge and understanding of music are resources everyone he worked with learned from.
Josh Magee
I gleaned much from Jameson's willingness to think deeply, challenge the status quo, and his skill as a musician who LOVES his craft. I benefited greatly from his mentorship and am confident you too will be impacted for the better.
Brandon Blessman